Over the last few years, a lot of companies have taken the time to market to a strong, independent, and empowered woman. GoldieBlox, Always, HelloFlo, and Verizon come to mind. The latest to join their ranks is Under Armour, athletic apparel that, until recently, was most readily associated with professional football players (you know, those tight, white tees). But, "I Will What I Want," Under Armour's most expansive global women's marketing campaign, aims to change its more masculine image. The campaign features world champion downhill skier Lindsey Vonn, American Ballet Theatre soloist Misty Copeland, and U.S. Women's National Soccer Team player Kelley O'Hara.

Copeland's commercial succeeds in making us feel all the feels without crossing the line into saccharine schlock. The ad opens with a letter being read aloud by a young girl:

Dear Candidate, Thank you for your application to our ballet academy. Unfortunately you have not been accepted. You lack the right feet, Achilles tendons, turnout, torso length, and bust. You have the wrong body for ballet, and at 13, you are too old to be considered.

It's a composite of all the rejection letters Copeland received over the years. And look at her now. Seriously, look at her calves: They're amazing.

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Via ELLE.com

Headshot of Leah Rose Chernikoff
Leah Rose Chernikoff

Leah Chernikoff is the former digital director of ELLE.