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Update, 1/23: After helping to spark more conversation about gender equality and feminism last September, UN Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson is back with another moving speech. Advocating for the new HeForShe platform, Emma Watson spoke in front of delegate at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. The actress discussed the new 10x10x10 initiative which is a one-year project that aims to get governments, corporations and universities to address gender equality. Watson also revealed her former speech on gender equality sparked 1.2 billion social media conversations and held over 11 million views, sparking a global movement. Watch her new speech in full below: 

Original Post, 9/22: As part of her duties as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson was called upon to launch the organization's new gender equality initiative HeForShe this weekend.

Giving a moving speech in New York, which received a standing ovation, the actress said that the issue would never be solved if only half the population took part—and asked men to do their bit to help end discrimination against women. Watch the speech in full below.

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From: Harper's BAZAAR UK