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Most of us (and certainly everyone in the fashion world) have heard by now that processed carbohydrates, like white bread and rice, are the enemy of weight loss and overall heart health, but now a major new study by the National Institutes of Health confirms it. The study split 150 men and women into two diet groups—one limited the amount of carbs they could eat and one limited the amount of fats—and found that those who followed the low-carb, high-fat diet for a year lost about eight pounds more on average than those in the low-fat group and experienced higher HDL, or good cholesterol, levels (even when consuming saturated fats).

But in a sea of conflicting nutrition information, why does this study stand out? For a few reasons: The test subjects were racially diverse, the study lasted for a year, and calories and exercise weren't controlled, all of which makes extrapolation a lot more accurate. Basically, it's time to dust off your Atkins cookbook.

Headshot of Alexandra Tunell
Alexandra Tunell
Senior Beauty Editor
Alexandra Tunell is the Senior Digital Beauty Editor at Harper's BAZAAR, where she writes beauty features and covers industry news, health, fitness and wellness trends. She began her career in the Lucky beauty closet, then went on to work at Allure. When she's not testing the latest skin care treatments, the Los Angeles native is searching the city for the best Mexican food, binge-watching Bravo and escaping to the beach as often as possible.